Dear Kara,
It’s here. It’s the release day for Just Show Up. Can you believe it? Over six months you’ve been gone, dancing in heaven. Honestly, I kind of imagine you in the choir, but totally having a grand old time distracting the people around you with your humor. And when Jesus taps his director stick (what are those called?) on the podium, you’re the last to stop giggling and joking with your friends. This is a sounding a bit like junior high now… but I guess it’s easier to think of the jokes and the fun than it is to think of doing this day without you. I know we planned for this. I know we discussed this, but man, I Don’t. Wanna. Do. It. Feeling a little like a kid throwing a fit right now.
I’m hearing you telling me about all of the good in this day, in this book, and I know you’re right. But I am going to have a small, two second pity party before I move on.
*okay, done*
Now I’m going to concentrate on something you would be proud of. Your girls. Not your children-girls (though you’d be so proud of them too) but your girlfriend-girls. I’ve heard some stories about communities not walking through suffering well with each other. Wrestling with each other for position in the suffering person’s life and just… not exactly rocking the community thing.
But guess what? That is so not your girls. They have been supportive, loving, kind, put each other first. We have grieved together and loved one another through a hard that we all understand. Even across the country, you have brought us together, and the love of Jesus is holding us together still. I can honestly say I love women I have never met because of you, Kara. Pretty amazing.
I can also say that so much of this book wouldn’t exist without these women who not only prayed this book into existence, but gave of their thoughts, ideas, and hearts onto these pages. This book is a labor of love from a community who still loves big. And from the bottom of my heart, I say THANK YOU to these women who contributed to Just Show Up. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And about our publisher… Kara, I know you loved John so. And now I do to. What a gentle, generous heart. You could not have guided us to a better team for this book. What a beautiful book this has become because of the team God blessed us with at David. C. Cook.
I guess this is sounding a bit like a dedication now, and maybe it is. A dedication for a book that really wouldn’t exist if not for the grace of God allowing it to happen. Remember when we talked about writing a book being a big Jesus juke? That when people compliment it, we simply want to say… I didn’t do that. God did. But then, that sounds like a snotty, Jesus juke kind of response. And so we smile and just say thank you. But we know the truth. This book is entering the world today because God made it happen. I wish you were here to see it and to celebrate it.
Love you, mama. Hope they’re having a big book release party in heaven today.
Comments 12
I started reading the book today on kindle. What a blessing it was to find Kara’s blog and walk through the journey with her although thousands of miles away. I am a 65 year-old woman…mother of 3 grown children and 6 grands…she has taught me so much and I will forever be grateful for God’s leading me to her blog and reading the “Hardest Peace.”
This book today was needed as well…a reminder of the importance of showing up for others who might be suffering or walking through dark times. We all have them and God can use them. Thank you for sharing the messy with the world and I pray people will truly understand the need to be in the trenches with others. Kara’s spirit will live on and be honored if we do.
I love this. Kara’s spirit will live on and the many ways she taught us to love big!
The grace of God never ceases to amaze me. As I have waited for this new book, I have happy/sad tears knowing Kara is not here to enjoy the celebration. But wait….she is getting The Main Event of celebrating with our Lord and Savior. Who would not appreciate the joy in this truth? Thank you Jill for your hard work in this project and for all of those behind the scenes who along with Kara saw the vision of what this book will mean to everyone who reads it. My copy is “in the mail” making its way to me and I can’t wait to receive it and digest it. Thank You Father for these amazing people You have allowed me to “meet” and “get to know” from afar. One day we will all meet face-to-face when we are with our loving Heavenly Father.
We are going to have a PARTY in heaven for sure. Thank you for your support and for commenting.
I’m pretty much already crying just reading this post. What a bittersweet moment this must be. Yes, God made this book possible. No doubt. But I can’t help but think it’s also Kara’s suffering that made it possible. The bitter mixed with the sweet. God’s economy continues to amaze me. I recently heard a dear mentor of mine say, “If God allows something to touch you then He already has plans to redeem it.” I’d say this book is part of that redemption story. God bless you, Jill!! You are an amazing representative for such a beautiful dance.
Yes, so bittersweet. It is a redemption story. Beautiful. <3 Thank you, friend!
My prayer is this book will sell a million copies, not so you can say it’s a million seller, but because of the multiplied millions it will effect. Thank you for your commitment, even through your grief, to complete this book. I have not yet had opportunity to meet Kara, but I will one day! Her life has already had a huge impact on mine through you, and through her blog that I found through you. God’s blessings and comfort to you today.
I love that! Thank you for always being a support! Can’t tell you how much that means to me.
I can fully appreciate Kara’s heartfelt words about God’s presence in our pain and suffering. Sadly, eight months ago, while Kara was fighting for her life, my precious husband of almost 30 years, lost his five year excruciating struggle with Alzheimer’s. I read about Kara yesterday via Ann Voskamp’s “A Holy Experience”.
I just sat and cried but immediately ordered Kara and Jill’s book. I’m still hurting, grieving and missing the love of my life but God continues to bless me and lead me to those who fill in the holes of my heart with JOY! I can’t wait to get it, read it, and treasure every word. Thank you, Jill, and God bless you and all of my beautiful sisters in Christ!
Peggy, I am so incredibly sorry about the loss of your husband. My heart goes out to you. May you find peace and grace in your grief. Thank you for commenting. <3
Thank you for your words and faith and blessings in the hard places you have been. I love the book and am waiting on God to lead me to the person or persons I should SHOW UP to. Congratulations to you Kara and your community in all that you have done and will do in the future. Blessings to you and yours!!
Looking forward to reading these. Found you through Mundane Faithfulness. Love that God connected us.
How does one go about beginning to write a book?