We live in an older home that we have slowly remodeled over the years. The bathroom off the master is about the size of a small closet. Or so it feels sometimes. My husband calls it my bathroom because it’s too small for both of us to use. He uses the main bath. What can I say – he’s a gem!
Lately things have been feeling cramped in there, so I decided to purge and give it a little facelift. No one really sees it but me or my immediate family, so it can be hard to spend money just for myself. But that’s exactly what I did! It felt a little decadent, but I’m so glad I made some changes.
I decided to go with a navy/nautical theme because I love water, and I really miss the lakes I grew up with in Minnesota. The first thing I did was grab this fun navy and white shower curtain.
One of our favorite places to visit in Minnesota is Duluth. After much contemplating, I decided to order these adorable postcards from Etsy.
Growing up, I visited all of these placed in Duluth, and my husband and kids have been to quite a few of them also. The ice cream shop featured—Portland Malt Shoppe—is the yummiest! And it’s right on a hill overlooking Lake Superior. Definitely recommend if you’re ever in the area. And of course the lift bridge is so fun. Seeing a huge slip slide into the harbor is always a highlight in Duluth.

I thought the postcards were beautiful and artistic. The bring a little taste of home for me while still creating some style.
I ordered the frame from amazon. I always think I’m going to shop elsewhere, but Amazon gets me with the free, fast shipping every single time!
I filled my garage sale vintage jars with bathroom supplies.

I also ordered these hanging baskets from amazon. They were made for a nursery, so I snipped off the small tags that made them look babyish and viola—they were ready to go.
Other than creating storage wherever I could, I did some reorganizing and purging. The bathroom now makes me happy whenever I enter the space! I’m glad I spent a little bit of money and made it more personable.
I was so inspired by my bathroom makeover that I did my kitchen pantry cupboard next. I reorganized and purchased a few bins that were tall so that I could take advantage of the large height in my pantry cupboard shelving. I’ve been driving my family nuts by saying things like put that back in the right spot! And open chips go there, not there! 😊 But even with my hounding, I think everyone has enjoyed the re-envisioned space. I even had room left on the top shelf to move a few things over.
Next I’m planning to tackle the hall closet which definitely needs some love.
How about you—have you done any reorganizing lately? Or perhaps, unlike me, you’re always organized. 😉 Does organizing make you feel good after you’ve done it, or is that just me?
Jill Lynn
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Comments 12
Love your organization! Looks great! Thanks for giving me inspiration.
Yay! So glad. Tag me in your project so I can see!
ooh! Love this. An evil person introduced me to https://www.kirklands.com/ I get their emails and only buy when it’s free delivery and on sale. So many goodies.
Oh this sounds like trouble! How is it to return things?
I haven’t done any organizing lately but plan to. I’d like to have my backyard done up, it’s just weeds and dead brush back there. We also need plumbing work done, have a leaking shower in both bathrooms.
Wow! Hope the works goes smoothly for you.
So, so creative, Jill. I especially love what you did with your bathroom. The postcards honoring Duluth are fantastic.
Aren’t they fun? Thanks, Beth!
Ohhh I LOVE what you did with your bathroom. Wahoo! So love seeing creativity in action!
😉 Yay! Thanks so much!
I recently reorganized my little greenhouse. I decided it had become too much of a storage shed. So I removed a small table, the bin that held potting soil ( I normally do potting up outside anyway) and added Closet Maid shelving, LED lights and heat mats for grow seeds. Also, since I overwinter my geraniums there, I had to reduce the number of houseplants that were taking up space. Lots of decisions for one who is indecisive. I heat this space in the winter so I’m looking forward to hanging out in there on snowy days!
This sounds perfect! I’ll have to see it next time I’m over there. 🙂