Since I focused on fiction last month, I thought I’d foray into non-fiction this month. Confession: I am PICKY about non-fiction. It can be very hard for me to stay focused with it. I need applicable stories and concise takeaways. I need step-by-step instruction and the why behind it. I need something to click and stay with me long after I close the book. (Told you—picky!)
So, without further ado, here are 5 non-fiction books that have changed my life.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
by Dale Carnegie
This is truly The Best book I’ve ever read on anxiety. It is simple and clear and easy to read. It contains concrete steps for handling anxiety. It was originally published in 1948, and the timeless truths in it have stood the test of time.

AThe Highly Sensitive Person
by Elaine N. Aron Phd.
According to Dr. Aron’s definition, the highly sensitive person (HSP) has a sensitive nervous system, is aware of subtleties in his/her surroundings, and is more easily overwhelmed when in a highly stimulating environment. (Quoted from THSP does an excellent job of not only outlining the differences you might feel from the person next to you but also celebrating the good that high sensitivity brings into your life. For me, it made me feel seen and understood and it gave me insight into how I can function well in the world and use my gifts without depleting them.

The Body Keeps the Score
by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
I had to read this one slowly, in pieces, because it deals with painful trauma stories and because of the scientific nature. But I’m so very glad I did. Not only does Bessel outline how the past affects our bodies, but he also gives ways to work through and heal from trauma. It gives insight into our own stories and grace and understanding for those around us.

The Hardest Peace
by Kara Tippetts
This is a beautiful read full of nuggets of wisdom and encouragement. Kara has such a poetic and raw approach to her writing, and she doesn’t hold back from the hard road of cancer she’s walking while writing it or the roads from the past that impact her present. It points to faith in the midst of heartbreaking circumstances, and both the book and the woman forever changed me.

The Jesus Storybook Bible
by Sally Lloyd-Jones
It’s technically a children’s Bible, but it reads like poetry and impacts in big ways. The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is beautifully written, and the simple truths it in have brought me to tears. Whether you have kids or not, this is a gorgeously designed, encouraging book of Bible stories.
I would absolutely love to hear what books have impacted your life (Fiction or non-fiction!) Drop a comment below, and also check out the huge book giveaway I’m taking part in this week that includes 32 Christian fiction books, including a paperback copy of The Veteran’s Vow! (Details on the entry page.)
So glad you’re here!
Jill Lynn

Comments 5
Love your recommendations, my friend. Will be adding to my TBR pile.
Thank you for your recommendations & have added them to my TBR list!
In addition to daily Bible reading, one of my favorite fiction books is by Dee Henderson, “Full Disclosure”. An excellent book, that in hindsight would have been an excellent resource while I was in Bible School is, “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard J Foster. I also read books on the power of habits, and Christian based money management.
Thank you for sharing your talents! May God richly bless you!
I need to read The Highly Sensitive Person one! Added it to my Goodreads list. A few of my favorite nonfiction reads: Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin, Christians in the Age of Outrage by Ed Stetzer, What if Jesus was Serious about Prayer by Skye Jethani, and Love Does by Bob Goff.
Thanks for the recommendations. I have added a few to my list.
We read The Storybook Bible with my toddler, and I agree—it’s a great book!