Wife • Mom • Author

Hi! I’m Jill Lynn. I started writing in 2010 when my daughter was in kindergarten. My first book Falling for Texas was published in 2015, and my non-fiction book Just Show Up that I co-authored with the late Kara Tippetts released later that same year.
A few questions that I get asked frequently…
How did you first get published?
I entered Falling for Texas in an online pitch contest with Harlequin Love Inspired ®. The synopsis of the book had to be one-hundred words or less. I pitched that short paragraph, and amazingly, my editor gave me a chance and coached the book into what it is today. I’m forever grateful for that opportunity.
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to write/be published?
- Enter contests! They are an affordable way to get feedback on your work and might just get your words in front of an editor.
- Read heavily in the genre you are interested in writing.
- Join a group or community or professional association that can guide you in what you’re working toward. (ACFW / American Christian Fiction Writers, for example.)
How did you meet Kara Tippetts?
When Kara moved to Colorado, our daughters were in the same class at school. Because she hadn’t been in town long before her diagnosis, our friendship grew after she became ill. I go into more details in Just Show Up, which focuses on walking through suffering and sickness with a friend. Kara won her battle with cancer on March 22, 2015, when she flew into the arms of Jesus. She is and will be missed. Always.
What are some of your hobbies?
Reading, of course. 😊 I also love thrifting, paddleboarding and pretty much anything that involves being outside in nice weather. I’m a big fan of summer!
Did you always want to be an author?
Yes! When I was younger and someone would ask me to write down my goals, I always included writing a book. I’m so grateful that goal came to fruition! I also wrote down learning French and learning to play the violin. I am totally fine that neither of those happened. 😂
Left photo by Good Photo | Right photo by Jen Lints Photography