Howdy friends!
Happy summer. If you’ve hung around these parts for a while, you know I’m a fan of sunshine and no school and lazier summer days. But this summer started out pretty busy for us. After 18 years in the same house, we moved to a different home in Colorado Springs. It required quite a bit of work (which is ongoing 🤣) and wow! Moving is a lot of work. God bless those of you who do it cross country! I shared a few moving pics in my last newsletter, which you can check out here.
Honestly, it feels as if summer is going by way too fast, especially with getting settled and finishing up projects on the new house. I have had more than a few moments of feeling overwhelmed, inadequate and of questioning what we were thinking. 🙂
I had this blog already written last week with a few summer snapshots to share with y’all, but just like social media, it felt as if they were only giving a small picture instead of the real/big picture–only showing the good. And while I don’t have photos of my stress levels so far this summer, I guess I just wanted to be real. Change isn’t the easiest for me. I wish I was better at it! But we’re thankful our heads are above water, we’re thankful for the new house, the quiet neighborhood and sweet neighbors.

So, below are a few pics from our summer so far. My hope is to squeeze in a lot more fun in the next month before the kids head back to school!

My favorite biking trail – Lake Dillon, Colorado More views from the bike path around Lake Dillon Moose sightings!
And more moose sightings… 🙂 Rainbow over Lake Dillon
How is your summer going? Give me the (real) scoop below. ⬇️
Comments 8
Happy Birthday and here’s to new doors to open and grand adventures.
Thanks, Tina! That sounds wonderful 🙂
I love all the pictures to go along with what you have been doing. I am just finishing up making my 5th lap quilt for some of my siblings using quilts our grandmother made (she passed away 60 years ago). I took the quilts apart and added material specific for each sibling. Has been an amazing trip down memory lane. Each of my siblings have been blown away. This is one of those bitter-sweet happenings coming to an end.
Wow! Connie Sue, that is amazing. What an wonderful gift you are giving them! And a great way to hold onto those memories in a tangible way. Thank you for sharing <3
I am having a tough time this summer so far…. as in so tough I’ve been VERY depressed, having anxiety and panic attacks and trying very hard to understand a loss I am currently not so successfully dealing with. There are days quite honestly I wish the Lord would come back before I have to wake up in the morning. No more hurt or pain sounds lovely. But I try to also remember, when I had covid back in January and was so VERY sick, I was praying night and day for the opportunity to have more time here and thinking how many mundane things I took for granted so often and in those moments, was desperate to experience again! Please keep me in your prayers and also a lady named Marie who I just met in April and we became friends but her significant other is very controlling, jealous of everyone–man or woman. She said he doesn’t like her to have friends, thinks she is cheating on him when she isn’t, even tells her she needs to start going to bed the same time he does. She broke off our friendship abruptly and I am left simply to grieve and miss her. There is more to it based on her original role in my life which also started in April as well as my past trauma from childhood and old unresolved attachment and abandonment issues but I know prayer can heal and I surely need healing! Enjoy your new house Jill!! Many blessings!
Hi Lori, Wow! You definitely have a lot going on. I’m sorry to hear it’s been so hard. I am stopping to pray for you now! I hope that you are able to find peace and some relief. Big hugs – Jill
So fun and interesting to hear and see how your life is going Jill!! Great your move is done and behind you! Life here has been normal for retirement, and the weather has been hot and dry, so a regular summer I guess!
So good to hear from you! How strange that it’s been dry. Hopefully we all get some rain. Little spurts of it here, and we’ll take any moisture we can get. 🙂 Happy summer to you (and I believe happy birthday very soon?)